I was rereading some of my posts the other day (the search for typos never ends), and I noticed a call to action I make consistently: educate yourself. After giving this a little more thought, I realize that’s no small thing to ask of my readers. After all, I consider myself very knowledgeable about finance, and I definitely didn’t gain these smarts overnight.
I want to give you the resources to get yourself educated, but I don’t just want to tell you which books to read and what podcasts to listen to (though I’ll do some of that anyway). I’m more interested in inspiring you to learn, and convincing you that financial know-how doesn’t require a four-year degree. If you can get an idea of how to gain more knowledge, as well as some direction as to what you can do with that knowledge, the world of money management becomes much more accessible.
If you’re reading these blogs regularly, you already have at least some interest in learning about money. Using the following tips, hopefully you can become even more dedicated in your quest for knowledge.
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