When Thursday afternoon rolls around I always look as smug as the Cheshire cat. Not only is it my weekend, but it’s a three day weekend because I choose to work four days a week.
For many, part-time work is a necessity in busy family life but it can also be an opportunity for others when the small drop in pay is compensated by living a richer life.
Given this is a site about money lets first make sense of the dollars. Working four days a week instead of the normal five doesn’t mean a fifth less pay, due to marginal tax rates.
Using the median Australian income of $1320 a week for full-time employment your wage would drop by $176 a week or a 16% drop. This may seem like a significant drop in pay, and for some households, it might just be too much.
With more time there are many other positive impacts part-time work can have on your life which inevitably often cost you less, therefore mitigating any loss of income and making your life richer.
If your inner greenie sometimes makes you feel a little guilty then you’ll be pleased to know that working less can be better for the environment.
If you always meant to start your own veggie garden or would rather repair items than buy new but never had the time then one day less work will give you that time and help the planet.
Click to read more https://moneymag.com.au/work-four-days-week/